
Alternative to the original pprint module. This one has different behavior for indentation, specifically for dicts. Also the order of dict items are kept as-is (which is fine for newer Python versions, which will be the insertion order). Compare (via our pprint):

  'melgan': {
    'class': 'subnetwork',
    'from': 'data',
    'subnetwork': {
      'l0': {'class': 'pad', 'mode': 'reflect', 'axes': 'spatial', 'padding': (3, 3), 'from': 'data'},
      'la1': {
        'class': 'conv',
        'from': 'l0',
        'activation': None,
        'with_bias': True,
        'n_out': 384,
        'filter_size': (7,),
        'padding': 'valid',
        'strides': (1,),
        'dilation_rate': (1,)
      'lay2': {'class': 'eval', 'eval': 'tf.nn.leaky_relu(source(0), alpha=0.2)', 'from': 'la1'},
      'layer3_xxx': {
        'class': 'transposed_conv',
        'from': 'lay2',
        'activation': None,
        'with_bias': True,
        'n_out': 192,
        'filter_size': (10,),
        'strides': (5,),
        'padding': 'valid',
        'output_padding': (1,),
        'remove_padding': (3,)
      'output': {'class': 'copy', 'from': 'layer3_xxx'}
  'output': {'class': 'copy', 'from': 'melgan'}
Vs (via original pprint)::
{‘melgan’: {‘class’: ‘subnetwork’,

‘from’: ‘data’, ‘subnetwork’: {‘l0’: {‘axes’: ‘spatial’,

‘class’: ‘pad’, ‘from’: ‘data’, ‘mode’: ‘reflect’, ‘padding’: (3, 3)},

‘la1’: {‘activation’: None,

‘class’: ‘conv’, ‘dilation_rate’: (1,), ‘filter_size’: (7,), ‘from’: ‘l0’, ‘n_out’: 384, ‘padding’: ‘valid’, ‘strides’: (1,), ‘with_bias’: True},

‘lay2’: {‘class’: ‘eval’,
‘eval’: ‘tf.nn.leaky_relu(source(0), ‘


‘from’: ‘la1’},

‘layer3_xxx’: {‘activation’: None,

‘class’: ‘transposed_conv’, ‘filter_size’: (10,), ‘from’: ‘lay2’, ‘n_out’: 192, ‘output_padding’: (1,), ‘padding’: ‘valid’, ‘remove_padding’: (3,), ‘strides’: (5,), ‘with_bias’: True},

‘output’: {‘class’: ‘copy’, ‘from’: ‘layer3_xxx’}}},

‘output’: {‘class’: ‘copy’, ‘from’: ‘melgan’}}

This is a very simple implementation. There are other similar alternatives: * [Rich]( * [pprint++](

returnn.util.pprint.pprint(obj: Any, *, file=None, prefix='', postfix='', line_prefix='', line_postfix='\n') None[source]

Pretty-print a Python object.

returnn.util.pprint.pformat(obj: Any) str[source]

Pretty-format a Python object.