Backend for exposing PyTorch-specific functionality.
- class returnn.torch.frontend._backend.TorchBackend[source]¶
PyTorch backend
- static set_random_state(state: Dict[str, bytes])[source]¶
- Parameters:
state – as returned by
. This might not always be successful (e.g. different hardware, different backend version), so the calling code should always have called set_random_seed before to have the random generators in a reasonable fallback state.
- static as_dtype_raw(dtype_name: str) dtype [source]¶
- Parameters:
dtype_name – e.g. “float32”
- Returns:
dtype object
- static get_shape_tuple_raw(raw_tensor: Tensor) Tuple[int, ...] [source]¶
- Returns:
shape of raw tensor
- static get_known_shape_raw(raw_tensor: Tensor) Tuple[int | None, ...] [source]¶
- Returns:
shape of raw tensor; here for PyTorch the full shape is always known
- static get_new_dim_raw(raw_tensor: Tensor, axis: int, *, name: str) Dim [source]¶
- Parameters:
- Returns:
new Dim object
- static expand_dims_raw(raw_tensor: Tensor, axis: int) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
axis – e.g. 1
- Returns:
raw tensor with new axis
- static expand_raw(raw_tensor: Tensor, axis: int, dim: int | Tensor) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
axis – shape[axis] must be 1
dim – the new dim for shape[axis]
- Returns:
shape[axis] expands to dim. in PyTorch or other frameworks which support custom strides, this is an efficient view and not a copy.
- static scaled_gradient_ext(x: Tensor, *, scale: float | Tensor = 1.0, shift: float | Tensor | None = None, scale_shift_by_sum_over_axis: Dim | None = None)[source]¶
scaled gradient ext
- static merge_dims(source: Tensor, *, dims: Sequence[Dim], out_dim: Dim | None = None) Tuple[Tensor, Dim] [source]¶
Merges a list of axes into a single one. (Flatten the dims.) E.g. input is (batch, width, height, dim) and dims=(width,height), then we get (batch, width*height, dim). Or input is (batch, time, height, dim) and axes=(height,dim), then we get (batch, time, height*dim).
- Parameters:
- Returns:
tensor, out_dim
- static split_dims(source: Tensor, *, axis: Dim, dims: Sequence[Dim], pad_to_multiples: bool | None = None, pad_value: None | int | float = None) Tensor [source]¶
split dims
- static concat(*sources: Tuple[Tensor, Dim], allow_broadcast: bool = False, out_dim: Dim) Tensor [source]¶
- static pad(source: Tensor, *, axes: Sequence[Dim], padding: Sequence[Tuple[Dim | int, Dim | int]], out_dims: Sequence[Dim], handle_dynamic_dims: bool, mode: str = 'constant', value: int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str | Tensor | None = None) Tensor [source]¶
- static cum_concat_step(source: Tensor, *, prev_accum: Tensor, axis: Dim, out_spatial_dim: Dim) Tensor [source]¶
cum concat step
- static activation_raw(raw_tensor: Tensor, func: str) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
func – e.g. “tanh”
- Returns:
raw tensor after activation
- static softmax(tensor: Tensor, *, axis: Dim, use_mask: bool = True) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
- Returns:
softmax over axis
- static log_softmax(tensor: Tensor, *, axis: Dim, use_mask: bool = True) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
- Returns:
log_softmax over axis
- static softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(*, logits: Tensor, targets: Tensor, axis: Dim)[source]¶
Efficient cross entropy. For PyTorch this is actually the default cross entropy function. (torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy)
- Parameters:
logits – target estimates given as inputs to softmax (i.e. unnormalized)
targets – probabilities, i.e. normalized, can also be sparse
axis – class labels dim over which softmax is computed
- Returns:
cross entropy (same Dims as ‘logits’ but without ‘axis’)
- static ctc_loss(*, logits: Tensor, logits_normalized: bool = False, targets: Tensor, input_spatial_dim: Dim, targets_spatial_dim: Dim, blank_index: int, max_approx: bool = False) Tensor [source]¶
- static create_parameter_raw(tensor: Parameter, *, device: str | None = None) Parameter [source]¶
- Returns:
- static set_parameter_initial_value(param: Parameter, value: None | Tensor | int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str) None [source]¶
- Parameters:
param – parameter
value – initial value
- static parameter_assign(param: Parameter, value: Tensor, *, op: str = 'assign') None [source]¶
param assign
- static parameter_assign_key(param: Parameter, key: int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str | Tensor | slice | Sequence[int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str | Tensor | slice], value: Tensor, *, op: str = 'assign', axis: Dim | Sequence[Dim] | None = None, key_dim: Dim | Sequence[Dim] | None = None) None [source]¶
param assign
- static parameter_move_to(param: Parameter, *, device: str | None = None, dtype: str | None = None)[source]¶
- static compare_raw(a: Tensor, kind: str, b: Tensor) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
kind – “equal”, “less”, “less_equal”, “greater”, “greater_equal”, “not_equal”
- Returns:
a kind b
- static combine_raw(a: Tensor, kind: str, b: Tensor) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
kind – “add”, “sub”, “mul”, “truediv”, “floordiv”, “mod”, “pow”, “maximum”, “minimum”, “logical_and”, “logical_or”, “squared_difference”
- Returns:
a kind b
- static reshape_raw(raw_tensor: Tensor, shape: Sequence[int | Tensor] | Tensor) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
- Returns:
reshaped raw tensor; wraps torch.reshape
- static transpose_raw(raw_tensor: Tensor, perm: Sequence[int]) Tensor [source]¶
- Parameters:
perm – e.g. [0, 2, 1]
- Returns:
permuted (transposed) raw tensor; wraps torch.permute
- static convert_to_tensor(value: Tensor | Tensor | int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str, *, dims: Sequence[Dim], dtype: str, sparse_dim: Dim | None = None, device: str | None = None, name: str | None = None) Tensor[Tensor] [source]¶
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- static full(dims: Sequence[Dim], fill_value: int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str | Tensor, *, dtype: str, device: str | None = None, sparse_dim: Dim | None = None, feature_dim: Dim | None = None) Tensor [source]¶
- static gather(source: Tensor, *, indices: Tensor | int, axis: Dim, clip_to_valid: bool = False) Tensor [source]¶
There are a few options in PyTorch, all having somewhat different semantics and different advantages or disadvantages and different limitations.
torch.gather, most generic
torch.index_select, similar as tf.gather, but does not support batch axes
- static scatter(source: Tensor, *, indices: Tensor, indices_dim: Dim | Sequence[Dim], mode: str, fill_value: int | float, out_dim: Dim | Sequence[Dim]) Tensor [source]¶
Scatters into new zero-tensor. If entries in indices are duplicated, the corresponding values in source will be added together (scatter_add in PyTorch). (TF segment_sum can be implemented via this.)
- Parameters:
source – [batch_dims…, indices_dim(s)…, feature_dims…]
indices – [batch_dims…, indices_dim(s)…] -> out_dim
mode – “sum”, “max”, “min”
- Returns:
[batch_dims…, out_dim, feature_dims…]
- static slice(source: Tensor, *, axis: Dim, start: int | Tensor | None = None, end: int | Tensor | None = None, step: int | Tensor | None = None, size: int | Tensor | Dim | None = None, out_dim: Dim) Tensor [source]¶
- static where(cond: Tensor, true_: Tensor | int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str, false_: Tensor | int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str, *, allow_broadcast_all_sources: bool = False) Tensor [source]¶
- static search_sorted(sorted_seq: Tensor, values: Tensor, *, axis: Dim, side: str = 'left', out_dtype: str = 'int32') Tensor [source]¶
search sorted
- static clip_by_value(x: Tensor, clip_value_min: Tensor | int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str, clip_value_max: Tensor | int | float | complex | number | ndarray | bool | str, *, allow_broadcast_all_sources: bool = False) Tensor [source]¶
clip by value
- static lerp(start: Tensor, end: Tensor, weight: float | Tensor, *, allow_broadcast_all_sources: bool = False) Tensor [source]¶
- static matmul(a: Tensor[Tensor], b: Tensor[Tensor], *, reduce: Dim | Sequence[Dim], use_mask: bool = True) Tensor[Tensor] [source]¶
batched matmul of a and b, see base class doc string
- static range_over_dim(dim: Dim, *, dtype: str | None = None, device: str | None = None) Tensor[Tensor] [source]¶
- Parameters:
- Returns:
tensor with shape [dim]
- static reduce(source: Tensor[Tensor], *, mode: str, axis: Dim | Sequence[Dim], use_mask: bool = True) Tensor[Tensor] [source]¶
- static top_k(source: Tensor[Tensor], *, axis: Dim | Sequence[Dim], k: int | Tensor, k_dim: Dim | None = None, sorted: bool = True) Tuple[Tensor, Tensor | Sequence[Tensor], Dim] [source]¶
- static random_journal_record() Generator[_random_journal.RandomJournal] [source]¶
- Returns:
the journal
- static random(*, dims: Sequence[Dim], dtype: str, device: str | None = None, sparse_dim: Dim | None = None, feature_dim: Dim | None = None, distribution: str, mean: int | float | Tensor | None = None, stddev: int | float | Tensor | None = None, bound: int | float | Tensor | None = None, minval: int | float | Tensor | None = None, maxval: int | float | Tensor | None = None, seed: int | Sequence[int] | ndarray | None = None, algorithm: str | None = None, explicit_state: Tensor | None = None, auto_update_state: bool | None = None, static: bool | None = None, out: Tensor[Tensor] | None = None) Tensor [source]¶
random. See rf.random for details.
- static masked_select(tensor: Tensor, *, mask: Tensor, dims: Sequence[Dim], out_dim: Dim | None = None) Tuple[Tensor, Dim] [source]¶
- Parameters:
dims – the order of the dims defines the format. those dims should be exactly the dims of the mask.
- Returns:
tensor where all dims in mask/dims are removed and replaced by a new dim. the new dim is also returned. if mask==True for all elements, the returned tensor would be simply the flattened input tensor.
- static masked_scatter(source: Tensor, *, mask: Tensor, dims: Sequence[Dim], in_dim: Dim) Tensor [source]¶
masked scatter
- static batch_norm(source: Tensor[Tensor], *, in_dim: Dim | Sequence[Dim], running_mean: Tensor | None, running_variance: Tensor | None, gamma: Tensor | None, beta: Tensor | None, epsilon: float, momentum: float, affine: bool, use_mask: bool) Tensor [source]¶
batch norm
- static conv(source: Tensor, *, in_dim: Dim, out_dim: Dim, in_spatial_dims: Sequence[Dim], out_spatial_dims: Sequence[Dim] | None = None, filter: Tensor, filter_size: Sequence[Dim], padding: str, strides: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, dilation_rate: int | Sequence[int] | None = None, groups: int | None = None, bias: Tensor | None = None) Tuple[Tensor, Sequence[Dim]] [source]¶
- static pool(source: Tensor, *, mode: str, pool_size: Sequence[int], padding: str = 'valid', dilation_rate: Sequence[int] | int = 1, strides: Sequence[int], in_spatial_dims: Sequence[Dim], out_spatial_dims: Sequence[Dim] | None = None) Tuple[Tensor, Sequence[Dim]] [source]¶
- static stft(x: Tensor, *, in_spatial_dim: Dim, frame_step: int, frame_length: int, fft_length: int, window_use_frame_length: bool = True, align_window_left: bool = True, window_enforce_even: bool = True, out_spatial_dim: Dim, out_dim: Dim) Tensor [source]¶
- static lstm(source: Tensor[Tensor], *, state_h: Tensor[Tensor], state_c: Tensor[Tensor], ff_weight: Tensor[Tensor], rec_weight: Tensor[Tensor], bias: Tensor[Tensor] | None, spatial_dim: Dim, in_dim: Dim, out_dim: Dim) Tuple[Tensor[Tensor], Tuple[Tensor[Tensor], Tensor[Tensor]]] [source]¶
Wraps the functional LSTM from PyTorch.
- Returns:
Tuple consisting of two elements: the result as a
and the new state as aState
(different from the previous one).