
Native code compiler

class returnn.util.native_code_compiler.NativeCodeCompiler(base_name, code_version, code, is_cpp=True, c_macro_defines=None, ld_flags=None, include_paths=(), include_deps=None, static_version_name=None, should_cleanup_old_all=True, should_cleanup_old_mydir=False, use_cxx11_abi=False, log_stream=None, verbose=False)[source]

Helper class to compile native C/C++ code on-the-fly.

  • base_name (str) – base name for the module, e.g. “zero_out”

  • code_version (int|tuple[int]) – check for the cache whether to reuse

  • code (str) – the source code itself

  • is_cpp (bool) – if False, C is assumed

  • c_macro_defines (dict[str,str|int|None]|None) – e.g. {“TENSORFLOW”: 1}

  • ld_flags (list[str]|None) – e.g. [“-lblas”]

  • include_paths (list[str]|tuple[str])

  • include_deps (list[str]|None) – if provided and an existing lib file, we will check if any dependency is newer and we need to recompile. we could also do it automatically via -MD but that seems overkill and too slow.

  • static_version_name (str|None) – normally, we use …/base_name/hash as the dir but this would use …/base_name/static_version_name.

  • should_cleanup_old_all (bool) – whether we should look in the cache dir and check all ops if we can delete some old ones which are older than some limit (self._cleanup_time_limit_days)

  • should_cleanup_old_mydir (bool) – whether we should delete our op dir before we compile there.

  • log_stream (TextIO|None) – file stream for print statements

  • verbose (bool) – be slightly more verbose

CacheDirName = 'returnn_native'[source]
CollectedCompilers: List[NativeCodeCompiler] | None = None[source]
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